Reconstruction of the municipal institution “Poltava Children and Youth Swimming School No. 3” with the addition of a sports hall
9a Ievropeiska str. in Poltava
Types of work:
  • engineering and geological surveys
  • engineering and geodetic surveys
  • design documentation of the "P"
  • design documentation of the "R"
Project readiness:
Design year:
Technical and economic indicators
Type of construction reconstruction
Capacity of the facility 90 / 15 students / employees
Plot area 0,1693 ha
Total area 2,378.57 m2
Usable area 2,101.47 m2
Building volume 12,792 m3
Description of the project

The project provides for the reconstruction and extension of the existing Delfin swimming pool building, addition of floors. There are sports halls for wrestling classes on the first and second floors of the two-story part of the building. The sanitary facilities and general premises are to be located on the three floors of the three-story extension. The reconstruction of the existing boiler house, to which the institution is attached, is also planned.

On the first floor: a sports training room for educational and training classes, a dressing room, a coaching room, an electrical control room, a locker room, a ventilation room, a lobby, a museum of sports glory, a security post, an inventory room and sanitary-amenity blocks consisting of sanitary units, locker rooms, showers for students, taking into account the needs of students with limited mobility, etc.

On the second floor: a massage room, a locker room at the massage room, a doctor’s office, a sauna room, sanitary-amenity blocks consisting of sanitary facilities, locker rooms, shower rooms, etc.

On the third floor: a sports training hall, an inventory room, an administration office, a director’s office, a ventilation chamber, s coaching room, a theoretical training room, and common sanitary facilities for coaches and disabled people.

The training halls are multi-purpose: freestyle wrestling, judo and boxing training. The upper hall can be used for hosting regional competitions.

The total maximum number of groups for simultaneous training is 5, the number of students in a group is 18, and the total number of students that can train at the same time is 90.

The total number of staff (administration, coaches, nurse, cleaners and security) is 15.

Work schedule and organization of children’s life at the educational institution are determined by its founder and approved by the educational authorities and territorial bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine.

The shelter is currently being designed.

Project solutions

The following project disciplines have been completed:

Project Summary, General Plan, External Water Supply and Sewage Networks, Construction Management Plan, Concrete Elements, Metal Elements, Structural Timberwork, Architectural and Construction Solutions, Production Techniques, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Water Supply and Sewage, Heat Supply Mechanical Solutions, Electrical Solutions, Fire Alarm Systems, Communication Systems, Project Financing, Environmental Impact Assessment

The construction will be carried out in one stage.

Design and estimate documentation has been developed for the following buildings and structures, namely:

Addition to the Delfin swimming pool building, which includes the premises of the wrestling school:

  • Lobby with a dressing room
  • Staircases
  • Corridors
  • Recreation areas
  • Museum of sports achievements
  • Sports halls for training and competitions with seats for spectators
  • Locker rooms
  • Massage room
  • Sauna
  • Auxiliary premises
  • Coaching room
  • Bathrooms for students
  • Bathrooms for teachers
  • Common bathrooms