The institution’s territory has a formed planning structure.
The general plan’s design solutions provide for arrangement of elements of entrances to the building and partial territory improvement. According to the requirements of state construction norms DBN B.2.2-12:2019, DBN B.2.2-40:2018, the solutions provide for access to the building for patients, the staff and limited mobility people, their movement at the site to the entrance groups with stairs and ramps.
According to DBN B.2.2-40:2018, the external stairs and ramps are equipped with handrails, and a non-slip tile surface is arranged along the path people with disabilities.
The following provisions were taken into account in the process of design: ensuring a driveway to the projected extension; integration into the existing terrain; arrangement of a proper drainage from the building and structures.
The overhaul of the department premises consists of:
The following project disciplines have been completed:
Project Summary, General Plan, Production Techniques, Architectural and Construction Solutions, External Electrical Lighting, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Water Supply and Sewage, Power Equipment, Electrical Lighting (internal), Communication Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Environmental Impact Assessment, Medical Gases, Civil Defense Engineering Arrangements, Structural Timberwork.
The construction works will be performed with three start-up facilities (by units and buildings).
Design and estimate documentation has been developed for the following buildings and structures, namely: